Tuesday, 26 November 2013

An amazing youtube clip

The sight of leather clad, strutting "dominatrix's" on the internet does get rather tiresome to me. Its mostly badly acted, awkward rubbish. There is a real shortage of real people expressing real emotions of love and connection in this arena.

That is why I find this person delightful and interesting.

Hope that you like it.


  1. She is perfect. If more women understood the power they have, the better this world would be.

    1. Agree. Women are really powerful and men's place is under a woman.

  2. Fully agreed. Women have so much power that is untapped and if only more knew about it. I feel like we went through generations of men kind of in charge (women implicitly at home), then the equality phase with no one daring to go beyond that, but hopefully there is a new trend emerging where women know they have the real power and more will want to take advantage of that.

  3. Thanks for posting this, I haven't seen any of her video clips before but, judging from what I've seen so far she's definitely someone who has the right ideas and worth subscribing to.

  4. Such a naturally dominant and wonderful Woman,
    Thank You so much for posting this

  5. There is so much bad acting from porn stars trying to do domination. Its really noticeable when they are not into it..
    This is awesome.

  6. Thanks for sharing this. She has given me a lot of practical information that will help Kathy to be more comfortable with being in charge.

  7. She has some great videos, thanks

  8. I looked at the video which is indeed superb. None of the theatrical trapping of the Dom world, but just the real thing!

  9. Thank you so much for this awesome link. I am not in that lifestyle but this lady is so natural that I know it would be the right way to live. I wish there was a way of getting the message through to more women that they have the power and most men are willing to be molded if it is done the right way. This takes it out of the fantasy world into real life. Now, would I have the courage to show the video to my wife?
